
Modern Energy Healer

BIG +10 congratulations to Jamesylvester Urama for completing Modern Energy Healer with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi!

Historic Energy EFT Trainings in Nigeria

Nigerian GoE Trainer Jameslyvester Urama spent the summer of 2016 training an incredibleย  33 new Energy EFT Master Practitioners ! This is one of the biggest collections of trainings in GoE history, and establishes a firm base for the evolvement of Modern Energy work in Nigeria. Read on to find out more...

EMO Practitioner

BIG +10 congratulations to Jamesylvester Urama for completing EMO Practitioner with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi!

EMO Relationships Consultant

BIG +10 congratulations to Jamesylvester Urama for completing EMO Relationships Consultant with GoE trainer Sandra Hillawi!